
Guardians of Digital Frontier - Securing Tomorrow, Today!

BSidesLucknow is dedicated to spreading security awareness across the state, empowering individuals and organizations to protect their digital lives. Through education, collaboration, and shared resources, we aim to foster a safer online environment for everyone, ensuring that security is a priority for all.

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95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error, like phishing, weak passwords, or careless handling of sensitive information.

BSides History

BSides started as a small gathering of people who gathered to attend some of the rejected presentations from Black Hat USA in 2009. So, it was co-founded by Mike Dahn, Jack Daniel, and Chris Nickerson in 2009. The movement grew out of a desire to remove barriers of entry and create a community of active participants. We believe that building a strong, welcoming, local community makes it easier for everyone to participate in the security community and enables great things. This movement has now grown to more than 715 BSides events in 197 cities spanning 55 countries, and the number of events continues to grow as participants realize they can create a community anywhere in the world. In India alone more than 8 BSides chapters are taking this movement ahead.



BSidesLucknow is security community dedicated to spreading security awareness across the state of Uttar Pradesh (India), empowering individuals and organizations to protect their digital lives.

Lucknow, as the capital of Uttar Pradesh, serves as a strategic hub for spreading cybersecurity awareness due to its central location, administrative importance, and growing IT infrastructure. Its diverse population and educational institutions provide an ideal platform for impactful outreach and training programs.

Through education, collaboration, and shared resources, we aim to foster a safer online environment for everyone, ensuring that security is a priority for all

Business Meeting

Our Team

Team Member 1
Suresh Kumar


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Team Member 2
Saif Usmani


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Team Member 3
Mohammad Aamir

Chief Advisor

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Be a part of Us

Code of Conduct

BSidesLucknow is dedicated to providing an awesome event for all communities and community members and this means a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment in any form and we expect all of our conference's participants to abide by our common ethos defined below in our "Code of Conduct Policy: Simple Expectations".

  • Be an ADULT
  • Be respectful, polite, honourable, tolerant and a positive contributor to our event and community
  • Do not be crass, rude, ignorant or demeaning (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you).
  • Do not break any laws.

Get In Touch

Have a project in mind or need more information? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us today, and let’s start creating something amazing together.

Or You can write us at info@BSideslucknow.com

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